- Contrary to what many may believe... The printing industry is
constantly changing and evolving to meet new trends, technology and especially customer needs. We are constantly alert to this evolution, and in turn, are always upgrading our methods / technology / design to meet new demand. Also, we retain traditional practices where necessary to meet all professional, established, organization demands.
- INDEPENDENT PRINTING has been in business since 1985,
serving the Tampa Bay, Florida area. In 2003, Ron & Debra Leone purchased the business and property which is located in New Port Richey, FL.
- Debra brings to the business over 20 years of high-end,
long-run corporate printing experience.
- Ron adds his practical experience in the Information
Technology, financial and design fields (Ron was the Display Director for a 200 unit nationwide chain store operation for 19 years). Also, his formal education includes an MBA, specializing in Management Information Systems)
Their backgrounds and prior vendor/client relationships have...
1.) Reduced operating costs;
2.) Broadened the organization’s client base nationwide;
3.) Modernized the operation of the company. (The modernization has overall achieved a smoother workflow for a more efficient operation).
- What this all means for YOU, the client is: Better Design Skills,
Better Products and Lower Prices.
Independent Printing has existed for over 25 years. We own everything, including the property... We have no equipment leases or mortgages. Our low overhead equates to lower costs for you and the security of knowing that... We’re Here For The Long Run! We believe this should be an important fact to consider in your purchasing decisions.
(Click here to download Debra Leone’s .pdf profile)
 Ron & Debra Leone
 Tasha- The Security Director 100# Black Mouth Cur- She actually loves greeting customers much more than protecting anything.
Since the business would not exist without Debra’s skills and background, we’ll detail her background... Debra Leone, an active owner, has impressive printing industry credentials.
Production Manager/Marketing Consultant for 7 years at Carlson Craft Industries. Carlson Craft is a National Corporation focusing in higher-end printing services: Wedding invitations; Office and specialty products; Holiday greeting cards and Graduation stationary. (Any good printing business would have several Carlson Craft catalogs available)
Production Manager at St. Joseph’s University “The University Press” in Philadelphia, PA for 17 years. The University Press controls the college’s Copy Center, Printing Design and Production Department and Mail Center. Along with handling all related internal needs this entity services many large external accounts, as well. Staffing numbers in the 20’s. International Publishing Management Association Received CGCM Certification in September 1992. (Certified Graphics Communications Manager) Served as Philadelphia Chapter President, Treasurer and Newsletter Editor over the course of 11 years Vice President Northeast Region of the IPMA. (The N.E.region encompasses Maine to Virginia) Debra’s term was 4 years.
Independent Printing’s Values
Leadership: At INDEPENDENT PRINTING, you receive the kind of quality and service you expect from a leader. Our company is always evolving as the needs or our customers’ change and as new opportunities are created in the market. You can rest assured that, working with INDEPENDENT PRINTING, you will enjoy the latest services, technology and develop- ments in the industry.
Teamwork: We make it our responsibility to know you and your business. We work closely with you to ensure that the solutions we provide are tailored to meet your unique needs and challenges. We are committed to your success.
Customer Relations: At INDEPENDENT PRINTING, our highest priority is satisfied customers. You are important to us and you can expect us to go the extra mile for your business. Superior customer service is the hallmark of INDEPENDENT PRINTING. We are proud to serve you and work hard to earn and keep your business.